Step 1- Desire

In my health-related fitness, I would like to improve my body compostion. The reason I want to do this is because I want to be fit for track.

Step 2- Belief

One thing that pushes me to believe I can achieve this is my family and friends. I know that it is about me, but their encouragement in me gives me belief.

Step 3- My Analyzasis

I can run a mile in about 9 mins, but I'm so fatigued afterwards that I can barely keep running when I am done.

Step 4- Goal

My goal is to lift weights and run. I will do this for 7 weeks achieve this goal.

Step 5- Writing My Goals in Detail

Through the process, I will run miles to complete my goal. I will achieve also by lifting weights, and going through more endurance training.

Step 6- My Benefits

The benefits of this goal is that I will be much faster and can do more endurance races. Then I will be ready to run track for my school.

Step 7- My Obstacles

The obstacles that could stand in my way are laziness, not working out or running, and having confidents to finish my goal.